Rudman’s RISKY Bet Against Trump-Endorsed Candidate in Florida Congressional Race

Florida State Rep. Dr. Joel Rudman has submitted his resignation to comply with the state’s “resign to run” law as he campaigns for Florida’s 1st Congressional District.


His resignation will take effect January 1, 2025, but Rudman has been actively filing legislation in his final days as a state legislator.


Rudman, a Republican, is seeking to succeed Rep. Matt Gaetz in Congress. Despite a recent endorsement by former President Donald Trump for Rudman’s opponent, Jimmy Patronis, Rudman remains in the race, emphasizing his legislative record and grassroots support.


Legislative Priorities


Before his impending departure, Rudman filed six bills addressing various issues. Among them are proposals to repeal Florida’s red flag gun laws, lower the minimum age to purchase firearms to 18, and legalize open carry. These measures, Rudman says, align Florida’s gun policies more closely with neighboring states.


Another key proposal focuses on repealing the 2018 state law that restricted Walton County’s ability to enforce customary beach access. Rudman argues the law unfairly limits local control and impedes residents’ ability to traverse and use local beaches. “This is about giving Walton County the same rights as every other beachfront county in Florida,” he stated.


Rudman also introduced legislation barring undocumented immigrants from filing civil lawsuits in Florida courts. He contends this measure protects citizens and legal residents from individuals who, he says, “should not be here in the first place.”


Congressional Campaign


Rudman framed himself as a staunch conservative aligned with the principles of former President Trump and Rep. Gaetz. He noted his history of supporting Trump’s policies and pointed to legislative accomplishments such as medical freedom protections and military-focused initiatives.


Despite Trump’s endorsement of Patronis, Rudman believes his local connections and record resonate more with voters in Northwest Florida. “Name recognition and my accomplishments are driving strong support,” he said, citing positive feedback from door-to-door campaigning.


Primary and Election Outlook


Rudman faces a crowded Republican primary set for January 28, 2025, effectively the decisive election in the heavily Republican district. His campaign strategy emphasizes direct voter engagement and continued advocacy for conservative priorities.


Rudman has not yet endorsed a successor for his state House seat, saying he is focused solely on his congressional race.

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