Car Wrecks Higher Than Normal, Arrests Continue On A Downward Trend

Niceville Police released their statistics for June at July 12th’s city council meeting. 

RELATED: View Niceville-area arrests here

In June, the police department answered a little over 3,100 calls for service – or about 110 calls per day. The department’s reported statistics for the year continue a downward trend. 

RELATED: Niceville in Desperate Need of Police Dispatchers

The police department made 23 arrests in June – the trend for arrests continues downward for the year, so far inside the city limits. 

Niceville Police Chief David Popwell also reported a total of 60 car accidents for June – an increase of 13 from the prior month and a number significantly higher than seen inside city limits this year.

Niceville Police Badge
Niceville Police Department Badge

Drugs Reports

Councilwoman Cathy Alley asked Chief Popwell whether or not his department had seen an increase in fentanyl, the synthetic opioid, on the streets of Niceville. The Chief said that members of his department had not seen a rise recently but did note that the number of arrests for drugs for June was three. 

Based on the reporting done at Mid Bay News – combing through arrest reports, police blotters, and press releases, it would appear methamphetamines are a more likely drug of choice in the area. 

RELATED: Traffic Cameras Net Meth, Stolen Car Bust for Niceville Police

Councilwoman Alley asked how the department prepared to encounter fentanyl in the area. Chief Popwell told the councilwoman officers donned personal protective equipment (PPE) in situations where the presence of drugs was suspected. He also added the Niceville Fire Department and EMS had NARCAN with them at all times to counteract the effects of opioids law enforcement might come in contact with. 

Niceville Councilwoman Cathy Alley
Niceville Councilwoman Cathy Alley

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