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James Butler, the General Manager of Valparaiso’s municipally-owned cable provider, announced to the City Commission that significantly faster speeds would be available for the City of Valparaiso’s internet customers. 


After a year of work, the upgrades to the internet infrastructure were completed in the first week of June. All customers will receive an automatic free upgrade of their speeds from the cable provider. The highest level of service speed will triple from 100mb to 300mb. Approximately a quarter of the city’s 2,240 homes will receive that upgrade. 


Customers the next step down in service will quadruple in service speed from 50mb to 200mb. 


All in all, everyone is going to get a speed upgrade, but will not see an increase in price. The commissioners responded positively to that information from the dais. 



RELATED: Is Cox Cable Coming to Valparaiso Fl? One Commissioner Says Yes. 


The Valparaiso Broadband Communication Systems (VBCS) is owned and operated by the City of Valparaiso. VBCS started in 1978 and provided cable television and alarm systems to residents in the city. 22 years later, in 2000, the city began to provide high-speed internet as well. The provider can give access, via subscription, to several hundred television channels. 


VBCS provides services to approximately 2,300 homes in the city. 

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