You Might Be Alive For Niceville’s Total Solar Eclipse – Details:

Will you be around the next time Niceville experiences a total solar eclipse? Here are the details.

About 100 people, from students to grandparents and their grandkids, converged on the parking lot north of Raider Arena to watch the moon pass in front of the sun. 

Volunteers with the Pear Tree observatory in Valparaiso set up telescopes and gave out eclipse-grade sunglasses for people to wear during the event. 

One of the volunteers, Tom Haugh, tempered his excitement with the duty to make sure as few people as possible stared directly into the sun without eye protection. 

“We’re going to see about 79% of the sun being blocked by the moon,” Haugh said, “Hopefully we are all educated to the point where this is just a chance alignment of the sun, the moon and the Earth. It’s a neat, rare, event to go out and observe.”

At about one in the afternoon, dozens of glasses-headed noggins tilted upward to see the partial eclipse. 

One of those heads in the crowd, Savannah Patterson, watched on with excitement about the eclipse. It’s her dream to go to space one day. “I love space, I love astronomy. It would be so cool to go into that field one day,” Patterson said. She thought back to when she saw her first eclipse with her elementary school class, in 2017, “You just stand and stare at it. You walk around a little bit, but it’s just silent. It’s just so breathtaking.”

In Missouri

Niceville residents headed to Cape Girardeau, Missouri to witness the total eclipse of the sun. They got these photos from the event.  

Solar Eclipses

The next solar eclipse wont take place in the contiguous United States until August 23, 2044. according to ABC News, the total eclipse will only take place over the states of North and South Dakota, as well as Montana. 

The Next solar eclipse anywhere in the world will take place in a sliver of Russia, Spain, Iceland and Greenland in 2026. 

The Niceville, Valparaiso, Freeport, Destin and Crestview area will experience a total eclipse of the sun on March 30, 2052, when the eclipse path will pass over Mexico, Florida and Georgia. 

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