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Poor Excuses and Lazy Tropes by Joshua D. Wilchowski

As part of its enduring commitment to the arts, the Mattie Kelly Arts Center (MKAC) will host a solo exhibition called Pinpoint featuring Midwestern artist, Joshua Wilchowski.

The exhibition will kick off with an opening reception on January 21st from 6-8 pm and feature a “gallery talk” at 7:00pm.

Wilchowski’s art, according to his website and the bio the MKAC highlighted, “spends hundreds of hours laboriously drawing utilitarian object(s)”.

The pieces highlight the importance of functional objects in daily life – and by extension highlighting the things that make our life what it is – but we normally gloss over.

The pieces highlight the importance of functional objects in daily life – and by extension highlighting the things that make our life what it is – but we normally gloss over.

A photo of Joshua Wilchowski from his website

The exhibition will feature his pen drawings, as well as computer aided design art for Northwest Florida State College’s architecture students.

The exhibition will take place at Northwest Florida State College’s campus, 100 East College Boulevard, between January 21st through March 19th.

Wilichowski holds both a Master of Fine Art and a Master of Art, has exhibited internationally, and teaches at the University of Wisconsin Stout.

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