Valparaiso Commission Approves More Housing

It’s the new normal for affordable housing in Valparaiso – two-bedroom, two-bathroom houses on medium-density lots. 

Soon – a local builder will construct nine more on about one acre of land in Valparaiso. 

RELATED: Valp commissioners approve more affordable housing construction.

A pattern has emerged in Valparaiso regarding affordable housing in the city. Smaller plots of land, zoned for medium density-residential housing, see the construction of around five to fifteen homes on the property. The builders and developers come to the city and ask for a special zoning exception, called a ‘Planned Unit Development,’ or a PUD to adjust the variances around the homes. 

The result is more affordable housing in the area, though some people might not agree on what is or isn’t inexpensive. 

These homes will cost $300,000 once they are built – which builder Carl Scott (who also serves as the building official for Niceville and Valparaiso) says is about as inexpensive as they can be built for in the area. 

It should be noted that Scott does not perform the home inspections on homes he builds in the cities of Niceville or Valparaiso. He contracts with the Okaloosa County building official for them to perform appraisals on his construction. 

Related: What is going to happen to home prices in the future – Mike Chesser

According to – a housing market research website – the median selling price in Valparaiso currently is $383,000 – 21.6% more than last year. Twenty-four homes were sold in March, the previous month for which data was available. 

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