NPD Chief David Popwell talked numbers at the end of January 11th’s Niceville City Council meeting.

According to the chief – NPD made 140 felony arrests and 214 arrests for misdemeanors. I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t give you something to compare it to – so, here goes: Niceville’s arrests work out to about .02 arrests per person in the city for 2021. In 2019, law enforcement made about 10.1 million arrests nationwide. Compared to the population of the country in 2019 (about 329 million people); there were about .03 arrests per person. So, we are looking at fewer arrests per person in Niceville than the national average.

In addition – NPD made 20 arrests for DUI in 2021.

There were a total of 544 vehicle accidents in 2021 involving 1,064 vehicles on the city’s streets.

Finally, there were a total of 41,227 calls for service last year – up from 2020.

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