An Interview With Mullet Fest ’25 Organizer Mark Wagner

Mark Wagner talks about the 2025 Mullet Festival, covering parking solutions, family-friendly policies, local talent showcases, charity contributions, and more in an engaging interview with Mid Bay News.

In an exclusive interview with Mid Bay News, Mark Wagner, representing the Emerald Coast Entertainment Group, shed light on the plans for the much-anticipated Mullet Festival slated for 2025.

Wagner addressed key concerns and shared exciting details about what attendees can expect from this iconic event.

One of the major topics discussed was parking arrangements. Wagner reassured the community that they would not be parking on soccer fields, instead collaborating with local businesses and landowners to provide ample parking spaces. Additionally, a transit system including Uber services and shuttle buses will facilitate transportation to and from the festival grounds.

Concerns about alcohol sales and safety were also addressed. Wagner emphasized that the festival would cater to families, with affordable ticket prices expected to be around $20 for adults and free or discounted rates for children and military personnel. An outside security team will be hired to ensure a safe environment, with strict policies against camping on-site.

Regarding licensing agreements with the city council, Wagner confirmed ongoing discussions about revenue sharing and support for essential services like EMS and fire departments. Transparency and community involvement are key priorities, with plans to donate a significant portion of proceeds to local charities and military initiatives.

Local talent will take center stage at the Mullet Festival, with a focus on showcasing the region’s musical diversity. Wagner highlighted plans for talent competitions and opportunities for winners to collaborate with renowned music producers, further enriching the festival experience.

Wagner expressed deep personal commitment to the festival’s success, citing his business partner Matt McKinnon’s desire to give back to their hometown after years of organizing major events nationwide. The festival’s charitable initiatives, including support for veteran causes, underscore its broader mission beyond entertainment.

As preparations continue for the 2025 Mullet Festival, Wagner encouraged the community to stay tuned for updates and emphasized the festival’s dedication to providing a memorable and inclusive experience for all attendees.

Stay connected with Mid Bay News for more updates on the 2025 Mullet Festival and other exciting local events.

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