*Rating was updated. 91% of students were tested. The DoE typically requires 95% of students to be tested. Based on the 53% of total points attained, Lewis School would rate as a “C” school, according to the information of the Florida Department of Education website.
ºPercent of students who are considered economically disadvantaged.
The Lewis School is one of a couple of schools in Okaloosa County which combines elementary and other grades into a larger school to serve the community. The school serves students in elementary school in the Valparaiso area and serves students from Niceville, Valparaiso and Eglin Air Force Base for middle school.
Valparaiso Elementary School and the Addie Lewis School merged together at the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year at the campus on Mississippi Ave, within a stone’s throw of the Eglin Air Force Base East Gate.
The School was named for Addie Lewis, a teacher and administrator in Okaloosa County who served the community for about half a century. Lewis was the first woman in Okaloosa County’s School District who attained a senior management rank in the system. She retired as the assistant superintendent for instruction.
As a teacher, she introduced the guidance programs we know today into the schools and introduced the student bodies of school to foreign languages.
Lewis lived to be 100 years old and died in 2001.
The Lewis School offers several Career and Technical Education programs for students, including courses in Informatin Technology and Web Development.
(850) 833-4130
800 E. John Sims Parkway
Niceville, Fl 32578
The Lewis School has a total of 18 sports teams at the school. Boys can participate in cross country, football in the Fall, while girls may participate in volleyball and cross country.
In the winter boys and girls may participate in basketball, soccer and cheer.
In the spring, girls can participate in softball and track. Boys can also participate in track as well as baseball.
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The Addie Lewis School serves children K-8 in the Niceville, Valparaiso and Eglin Air Force Base Areas.
The Rocky Bayou Christian School is a Christian School based in Niceville.
Ruckel Middle School is an A-rated public school in the heart of Niceville.
The Okaloosa STEMM Academy is a charter middle school which focuses on STEMM-related learning.
The Liza Jackson School serves Students in grades 3-8 in Fort Walton Beach.
The Northwest Florida Ballet Academie teaches students grades 3-8 with rigorous academics and top flight ballet instruction.
St. Mary's is a parochial Catholic school which serves students K-8 and is located in Fort Walton Beach.
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