
Help Us With the News! Give Us a News Tip Today!

Without your help in the form of a news tip every once in a while – we can’t continue to create interesting and relevant content for the people who live on Boggy Bayou, Rocky Bayou and everywhere in between! That’s why we need you to partner with us to keep everyone up to date. If you see something of interest – please share it here with the Mid Bay News Team! 

Do you have an idea for a news story or have an event you want to share with the residents of Niceville, Valparaiso, Bluewater Bay and Eglin Air Force Base? You’ve come to the right place. send us a tip below with your name and email address as well as your contact information. 

Thank you so much for being a part of the Mid Bay News Team. You are helping to support journalism in Northwest Florida! 

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We’ve never needed local news more than we have today. With newspapers going out of business and fewer reporters around to watchdog local government, cover events or sports, and make sure you know what’s going on in your community


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Boat on a Bayou